
  • Beds made (Linens changed upon request)

  • Area tidied up and organized

  • Dusting and wipe down of countertops

  • Floors vacuumed, swept, mopped


  • Sink, showers, baths, and toliets scrubbed and disinfected

  • Mirrors dusted

  • Counters tidied and wiped down

  • Floors swept and mopped


  • Sink wiped and disinfected

  • Space tidied

  • Counters disinfected

  • Stovetop scrubbed

  • Stainless steel buffed

  • Shelves wiped and dusted

  • Dishes cleaned and put away

  • Floors vacuumed, swept and mopped

Living Room

  • Floors vacuumed, swept mopped

  • Couches vacuumed

  • Dusting

  • Tables Wiped

  • Space Tidied

Let’s get you a quote!

Reach out to us with any inquiries you may have. We strive to provide the best service and support to our valued customers. When contacting us, please specify the type of cleaning service you are interested in, how many bedrooms, how many bathrooms, total square feet, and any special requests or add ons you may have so we can better assist you.
(720) 563-1575

Denver, Colorado 80002

Lakewood Ranch, Florida 34211